In hot summer months, the ammonia challenge in a poultry house is just as real as it is during cold, winter months. Yet many producers continue to think that increased summer ventilation eliminates the problem. In reality, the increase in litter age and bird size compounds the ammonia challenge regardless of the time of year.
Employee Engagement an Important Part of Product Traceability at Jones-Hamilton Co.
Product traceability plays an important role at Jones-Hamilton Co. While some companies may just pay lip service to the endeavor, we make sure every employee understands its importance and how their specific job contributes to the traceability of sodium bisulfate in all the various industries and applications it is used.
The Ideal Environment for Chick Placement
Producers are tasked with increasing a chick’s body weight 4-5 times within the first seven days. Miss one day of optimal performance and 5-7% of growth potential can be lost. Creating an ideal environment for chick placement is a crucial part of attaining the desired performance, and something that is within each producer’s control.
From the Field: Maintain Biosecurity and Your Litter Management Program
Proper biosecurity procedures are a crucial, especially under the threat of AI. But we at Jones-Hamilton know that your litter amendment has an important role to play in ammonia control and pH manipulation even when biosecurity measures put your farm on lockdown.
Using Air Quality Surveys to Reduce Respiratory Risk, Improve Performance
Air quality surveys are a valuable tool that allows integrators to look at trends of air quality in broiler houses, serving as an effective indicator to gauge if litter amendments are being utilized effectively.
Using Temperature to Control Pathogens
Temperature is considered one of the most important environmental factors affecting growth and survival of microorganisms.
From the Field: Full House Brooding – Something to Consider
In the past, partial house brooding was used as a method of saving fuel. But with today’s lower fuel prices and modern, tight and well-insulated houses there’s not much of an advantage to partial house brooding. In fact, there may be more advantages to full house brooding.
Why Paw Quality Matters
Extension Professor, Tom Tabler, PhD, from Mississippi State recently provided some great insight on the importance of paw quality and how it affects broiler health and performance.
EPA Safer Choice Program Adds Sodium Bisulfate to Safer Chemical Ingredient List
Jones-Hamilton announces that sodium bisulfate (SBS) has been reviewed by the EPA’s Safer Choice Program and qualifies for use in Safer Choice-labeled products.
PLT Life Cycle Assessment Demonstrates Significant Reduction of CO2 Emissions
A recent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of PLT® poultry litter treatment showed the product has the power to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from poultry houses. The Sustainability Research Group at the University of Toledo evaluated the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from PLT® application in poultry house operations.
Dispelling the Myths of Summer House Preparation
One of the biggest myths regarding house preparation during summer months is that since it only takes an hour or two to heat the litter proper pre-heating time is not required. In reality, proper litter curing requires a 48-hour pre-heat regardless of the time of year.
Quick Tips for Summer Poultry Litter Management during Downtime
In the summer, poultry litter requires special care—whether birds are already in the house or you’re preparing for the next flock. Get your next flock off to the right start this summer with these quick tips for downtime.
Ammonia and Ventilation: A Balancing Act
Dr. Mike Czarick and Dr. Brian D. Fairchild at the University of Georgia recently compared ammonia concentration and minimum ventilation rates and found that large changes in fan runtime need to be made.
Using Air Quality Surveys to Improve Health and Performance
Just as posting sessions allow companies to assess the effectiveness of gut health and vaccination programs, timely air quality surveys allow for assessment and adjustment of litter amendment programs. Air quality surveys provide a wealth of actionable data that can enhance any operation’s bottom line.
USPOULTRY: Litter Amendments Used During Grow-Out Improve Production, Health, Environment
Recent research funded by the USPOULTRY Federation found that when applied frequently throughout the life of broiler flocks, litter amendments reduced ammonia emissions while also improving live production parameters and paw quality, and reducing bacteria in the litter.
Seasonal Transitions for Poultry Houses
As we come into the fall season, poultry growers will find themselves transitioning between the heat removal needs of summer flocks to the moisture control needs of winter ventilation.
New Tagline Adopted by Jones-Hamilton Agricultural Division
The Jones-Hamilton Company recently announced the adoption of a new tagline for their Agricultural Division, We Know pH Matters, as well as a recently updated corporate logo.
Smart Spring Clean Out
Now that winter seems to be ending, spring brings an opportunity for most producers to do a whole house cleanout.
Why Relative Humidity Matters in Poultry Houses
It’s no secret that maintaining careful control of your poultry house environment goes a long way in maximizing bird performance. In addition to ammonia levels and temperature, it’s important to constantly monitor relative humidity levels for maximum affect.
Poultry Houses Between Flocks: Open or Closed?
The birds have moved out. It’s time to open the house and take a break, right? Not so fast. Leaving your poultry house open between flocks can actually cause more harm than good.