Far-Reaching Impacts of a
Better Production Environment

Why overlooking the impact of litter amendments could be costly

Consumers demanded chicken that is humanly raised without the use of antibiotics. The industry delivered, but what’s next? What else can you claim to give the chicken you produce a step up from the competition?

PLT Poultry Litter Treatment

Your birds could be standing on your competitive edge

Every day, poultry producers apply litter amendments to control ammonia and pH. However, not all litter amendments are created equal when it comes to efficacy, safety and impact on the environment – all of which have a significant impact on your image and your profitability.

Only birds grown on PLT-treated litter can claim these added benefits:


Can be applied with birds in the house

Sustainable Green Chemistry

PLT is manufactured with cradle-to-use traceability

Proven Carbon Emission Reduction

Proven carbon emission reduction with LCA

Paw Quality

Supports paw quality, increasing revenue

Improve Animal Welfare

Creates conditions that improve animal welfare

EPA Safer Choice

PLT is listed on the EPA Safer Choice chemical list

Decades of Research and Support from a Trusted Partner

When conditions deteriorate and solutions are needed immediately, the industry depends on Jones-Hamilton Co. We’re more than a litter amendment manufacturer. We’re the original litter amendment manufacturer and we consistently deliver:

  • Expert advice that improves performance
  • Formative education that drives the industry forward

Learn what a difference we can make for your production environment, your revenue and your image.

Learn More About PLT

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