A Division of Jones-Hamilton Co.
About Jones-Hamilton
Agricultural Division
Using pH Manipulation to
Benefit Animal Production
GRAS, EPA Safer Choice products that are made in the USA
Jones-Hamilton Co. Agricultural Division has brought research-backed solutions and expert support to poultry and dairy producers around the world for nearly three decades.
As experts in all things pH, Jones-Hamilton Co. manufactures and distributes acidulants for poultry litter (PLT®), dairy footbaths and bedding, livestock water and animal feed.

While quality products are vital, it’s our team’s knowledge and support that makes Jones-Hamilton the company more growers and integrators call when pH matters go awry.

Expert Advice
Insight from environmental, animal nutrition and live production experts delivers a comprehensive approach for maximizing production efficiency. Meet our technical team

Hands-On Support
When pH challenges impact flock performance, we’re on the farm to help growers troubleshoot. Live production experience combined with product knowledge creates results. Meet our team

Shared Ownership
In Success
Jones-Hamilton Co. is an employee-owned company, which brings our commitment to excellence to a whole other level.