PLT and Safety
Go Hand in Hand
Support a Safe Environment for Birds and Workers
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what does this say for the safety of PLT?
Poultry growers use litter amendments to control ammonia and pH, but not all litter amendments are created equal when it comes to safety and impact on the environment.
PLT is the only litter amendment safe enough to apply with birds in the house
PLT Is A Natural Mineral Acid
It is a dry, granular product (sodium bisulfate) that is manufactured with consistency.
PLT is non-hazardous per U.S. Department of Transportation definition
Free of heavy metals and toxins
When applied to litter in commercial poultry houses, PLT breaks down into products naturally found in the environment (hydrogen, sodium and sulfate).
Approved for human/animal feed use
Sodium bisulfate is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA for human foods and animal feeds
Qualified for EPA Safer Choice-labeled products
PLT is listed on the EPA Safer Choice chemical list under antimicrobial and Processing Aids and Additives.
Safe. Effective. Proven.
The green chemistry of PLT makes it an environmentally-friendly, natural mineral acidifier backed by decades of scientific and peer reviewed research. It was the first litter amendment on the market and continues to be the leading choice for producers today. Applying PLT is another way your birds can stand safely apart from the competition.
We're Here To Help
Talk with us today about the positive impact PLT can have on the safety of birds and workers.